Why Shiatsu?

When I went to massage school in 1995, my yearlong program was broken up into quarters. Each quarter they taught a different modality of bodywork. The first quarter was Zen Shiatsu and I was hooked. The Traditional Chinese Medicine theory fascinated me, and the fact that it was done through clothing seemed to make it accessible to all, but really what sold me was how it worked in my body. It just always felt that for me, a Shiatsu session went deeper and lasted longer than other types of bodywork.

When my teacher’s teacher introduced us to her new style that she called “Quantum Shiatsu,” my mind was blown. It stretched my understanding of the human body and the energy system. We are all expanding and contracting all the time, but let’s just say that we feel better when expansion is dominant. The way you feel after a yoga class, a run, a good laugh, time in nature - that’s expansion. In Quantum Shiatsu we work to create more expansion so that the physical body can relax, and the layers of energy off the body can activate. In addition we organize the energy so that you feel more centered, more connected to your intuitive self, and can make better use of your energy.

Shiatsu has always been the best healing practice for me, and I like to share this little known style of bodywork with other people.


Budding Leaf Shiatsu has Bloomed into Embody Grace